The amount of commotion that has happened in the debt market is not funny. Yes not too much has happened in the market – it is the regulator who is doing most of the things. Let us accept the following:… Read more
Category: Investments
Debt Market class….basics
People end up asking me some very basic debt market questions too…so here is an attempt to help them…if they do not know the basics Continuing the debt class, have you ever wondered what assets can you invest in to… Read more
Investing for your children….
If you take the 40-60 year old, the biggest, or the toughest thing that he/ she has done is to buy a house. Especially for those nearer 60 years – their salaries were not so high, so they struggled more…. Read more
You must invest at least 10% of your salary!
Normally people invest to get returns. No doubt, everyone invests for returns. That magic figure governs the fate of all investment products. The logic in people’s minds is simple: The better the returns, the more money you will end up… Read more
Should You Invest in Gold or Silver?
The prices of bullion coins have increased in recent years. High inflation rates, slow economic growth, loss of global value of currency, and social and political uncertainty leads to increment in prices of precious metals. While gold has never lost… Read more
Well Managed fund
English is a very beautiful language. And unlike excel allows you to be as unprecise as you wish. Imagine running an advertisement driven business. You need everybody to advertise. So if you choose one scheme – you are antagonising 54… Read more
SIP Investments in India
Is the mutual fund industry in India doomed or is it growing at a fantastic ride in India? We this is such a difficult question to answer that no sane man can answer this question. Having said that, I… Read more
Should I invest in a debt fund or bank fixed deposit?
Sometime back I decided to write about something which I have been advocating for years. How will you like it if I can postpone your tax payment from the year 2014 to 2034? You will love it right? First of… Read more
Form INC 29 – Fast Track Company Registration
REGISTERING YOUR COMPANY UNDER FAST TRACK SCHEME: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken an initiative step to reduce the burden of registration process for the new start-ups by creating a new pattern of registration with Form INC 29. You… Read more